Saturday 14 January 2012

Welcome to Fascination Creations!!

I am a 23 year old mother to two beautiful girls... Aalliyah Darrach (4.5 years) and Addison Chloe (8 months) and the time has come for my big girl to start the newest chapter of her life- SCHOOL!! its been an amazing 4.5 years staying at home and raising the girl who made me a mumma! kind, rational, independent, creative, outspoken...this girl was born to live a big life, I know it!! The new year has created a shift in the routine of my life and as we embark on this new journey it has got me thinking... I have been doing this SAHM gig for quite a while now, always talking about how 'when my girls go to school' ...I will be better/live fuller/do more and the time has arrived... its time to BE MORE!

My passion is food. Recipes are my addiction and my kitchen is my happy place! I have toyed around with ideas for years about my own catering company, cake making and decorating, high teas, home-made condiments and all things fresh and wholesome and I've decided that 2012 will be the year that I jump into life head first and let the moment take me! My big girl is off to school and it is time this mumma stopped letting the fear of failure hold me back. 2011 was a year of soul searching; I birthed my second (and last) baby into this world and I am growing more and more everyday into the person that I want to be. I want to be the kind of person who appreciates every second, who watched the grass grow and rain fall, the kind of person who takes pleasure in cooking for the people I love and sharing these good moments with anyone who wants to join in. My goal is to make more people WANT to join in!

Fascination Creations is all about my fascination with life, productivity, energy, creativity and of course, FOOD! I believe in being the barer of positive energy in my life and creating a beautiful home for my children. Setting a good example when it comes to healthy food choices and teaching that there is a place for indulgence, with everything in moderation! I know as a mother that this life is a learning curve and I am not perfect; I struggle daily with the things I SHOULD be and some days I just cant manage to do whats right! But ill never stop trying to better myself so that I can show my children how to walk in this crazy world! I will try to be a braver person and encourage my children to follow their passion and I aim to lead by example... I believe that from here, the rest will just fall into place.
So here I am, passion at the forefront for 2012 and I will be exploring all things food!!! At this stage I am choosing to focus on family meals from scratch, low fat and healthy meals, vegan meals, healthy and easy school lunches and of course, my speciality, all things SWEET! what is life without a little indulgence? If its all about balance then I feel it is my duty to share the indulgence, even if it is only so I don't eat it all myself! I must remind myself... Moderation is the key!!

So begins this new chapter of my life and I want to kick it off with my very first recipe of 2012!!
I know its still summer, but the rain is pounding against my window and im feeling very warm and fuzzy and there is nothing I enjoy more than a nice big bowl of home-made soup and fresh bread with lots of butter!
I made this soup last night... cheap, quick, easy and most importantly, DELISH!!
so here goes, my first recipe for 2012:

Creamy pumpkin and bacon soup.
Feeds 5. 

You'll need:

1 butternut pumpkin- medium size. 
1 stick of spring onion.
1tbsp olive oil.
3 whole rashers of bacon- rind removed, fat left on.
2tsp minced garlic
1/2 tsp nutmeg
2 cups of water 
1 cup of chicken stock.
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup of thickened cream
sliced spring onion for garnish.
favourite fresh bread and butter to serve.

To make:

1. remove the skin on butternut pumpkin and deseed. dice into small pieces and throw into a stockpot with the olive oil.

2. cut spring onion and bacon into small pieces and place in the stockpot with pumpkin on high heat. throw in nutmeg and garlic.. let it brown for about 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. 

3. after browning, pour in stock and water and let it reduce for 10-15 minutes or until pumpkin is soft.

4. pour in cream and stir through. once cream is well incorporated you'll need to use a stick blender to blend the soup until there are no chunks of bacon or pumpkin left.

5. salt and pepper to taste and serve with spring onion garnish alongside your favourite buttered bread!


This recipe is the perfect starter for any occasion! the key to this recipe is to brown the onion, bacon, pumpkin, garlic and nutmeg until it is really fragrant and quite brown (but not burnt) it really will make the world of difference to your soup so dont be too quick to add the stock and water.
Freezes well if you want to make a double batch.

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