Monday 23 January 2012

My new kind of normal...

Reality has finally hit me and it feels like this whole "school mum" thing could definitely be my new kind of normal! We had our first day today and, surprisingly, there were no tears from either of us!

Packing her lunch and doing her hair I felt so incredibly proud to be her mumma! I knew when we arrived and she jumped straight into playing and drawing without any backwards glances that we had done our job right! We nurtured her and encouraged her every step of the way and now we just need to sit back and watch her do her own thing. It is beautiful to watch!

And as the school year starts and my cake making calender is filling up fast it is time to share some food love!
here is my first lunchbox recipe for 2012!

Bacon, Zucchini and cheese muffins:
(makes 18)

You'll need:

3 rashers of bacon
1 small onion
1 cup of self raising flour
2/3 cup of olive oil
2 small grated zucchinis
4 eggs
1 cup of grated cheese

How to:

1. grease or line two muffin trays and preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius.
2. dice your bacon and onion finely and brown in a frypan with a tbsp of olive oil until tender and the bacon is cooked.
3. in a bowl sift your flour and add your grated zucchini.
4. in a seperate bowl add the eggs, bacon and onion together and whisk well.
5. add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix until well combined but be careful not to over stir or your muffins will be tough.
6. spoon mixture into the muffin trays and top with grated cheese.
they should look like this;
7. cook in the oven for 18-22 minutes or until they look like this:
These muffins freeze perfectly and are great for lunchboxes!!
I serve them cut in half and spread with low fat cream cheese and serve with salad so they are great for Mum's and Dad's too!

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